Persons, Opinions, Places

We ensure civil society is visible and audible.

The Hessischer Kreis organizes lecture and discussion evenings on current issues relating to politics, business, society, science, religion and culture. The association, with its great diversity of topics and speakers, offers civil society leaders the opportunity to understand trends and developments outside their everyday sphere of influence and to include their gained knowledge in their decision-making. It is a place for the exchange of ideas, reflection and orientation. As a non-profit association, it contributes to the culture of discussion and the promotion of general education.

You will find on our list of events an overview of our lecture evenings since 1959.

The Hessischer Kreis with a co-hosting company invites guests to an evening of lectures. After the main speech, there is dedicated time for discussions with the speaker. This is followed by a „Get-Together“ to make contacts and continue the debate. The association is financed by annual donations from its guests, so-called "friends".

The association can only carry out its work through hosted events from its circle of participating friends. The Board works on an honorary basis. Apart from the founding members and the Board there are no other club members.

1959 - today

List of events

522 events

  • Europa nach der Wahl - wie geht es weiter?

    Jean Asselborn

    ehem. Minister für auswärtige und europäische Angelegenheiten sowie für Immigration und Asyl des Großherzogtums Luxemburg


    Sönke Reimers

    Sprecher der Geschäftsführung, dfv Mediengruppe

  • Aktuelle Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik der Bundesregierung

    Dr. Jörg Kukies

    Staatssekretär im Bundeskanzleramt


    HQ Capital

  • 75 Jahre Grundgesetz – Deutschland in guter Verfassung?

    Peter Müller

    Ministerpräsident des Saarlands a. D. und Richter am Bundesverfassungsgericht a. D.


    Hessischer Kreis e. V.

    Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Hertie-Stiftung

  • Germany and Israel - a unique partnership

    Steffen Seibert

    Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Israel


    Hessischer Kreis e. V.

  • Open innovation with start-ups - what does 2024 bring?

    Dorette Daume

    COO/CFO, Cashlink Technologies GmbH

    Timm Jäger

    Managing Director, Eintracht Tech, Eintracht Frankfurt


    Fürstlich Castell´sche Bank

  • Generative KI - How ChatGPT & Co are changing the world of work

    Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach

    Professor of Business Informatics with focus on Digital Business


    Hessischer Kreis e. V.

    With kind support of Frankfurter Volksbank Rhein/Main

  • Creating sustainable prosperity

    Omid Nouripour

    Member of the German Bundestag, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN


    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH

  • An outlook on the German Economy

    Christoph Schweizer

    CEO, The Boston Consulting Group


    Dr. Thomas Götting

    Member of the Board of anagement, AXA XL Deutschland

  • Classical Music in Changing Times - An Inventory

    Sarah Willis

    Horn Player


    Hessischer Kreis e. V.

    With kind support of Rheingau Musik Festival and Nassauische Sparkasse

  • How banks help shape Europe’s future

    Christian Sewing

    Chairman of the Management Board – Deutsche Bank AG, President – Federal Association of German Banks, President – European Banking Federation


    Gerhard Wiesheu

    Chairman of the Board of B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG and President of Frankfurt Main Finance

  • Energy transition in times of geopolitical change

    Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm

    Holder of the Chair of Economics teaching, especially economic theory, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Member of the Council of Experts on the respect for macroeconomic developments


    Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank

    Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank

  • The Ukraine War and the role of NATO on the north-eastern flank

    Lieutenant-General Jürgen-Joachim von Sandrart

    Commander Multinational Corps North-East


    Dr. Hubertus Kolster

    Senior Partner, CMS Hasche Sigle

    Dr. Tobias Bomsdorf

    Partner, CMS Hasche Sigle



Hessischer Kreis

Founded at the end of the 1950s, the Hessischer Kreis was led by its founder Kurt Baron of Gleichen for 40 years as a discussion group. Guests were invited to eight to ten co-hosted lecture and discussion evenings.

The association was founded in 1993.
Regina Löffler heads the administrative office.

Ingo Mandt, Andreas de Maizière, Dr. Kristina Schröder,  Peter Steiner, Stefan Quandt
Ingo Mandt, Andreas de Maizière, Dr. Kristina Schröder, Peter Steiner, Stefan Quandt
Andreas de Maizière
Former Member of the Board, Commerzbank AG
Chairman of the Board since 2009
Member of the Board since 2007
Ingo Mandt
Spokesman of the Board, Fürstlich Castell´sche Bank, Credit-Casse AG
Member of the Board since 2009
Stefan Quandt
Chairman of the Board of Directors, AQTON SE
Deputy Chairman of the Board since 2005
Member of the Board since 2004
Dr. Kristina Schröder
Management Consultant and Publicist
Former Federal Minister
Member of the Board since 2022
Peter Steiner
Independent Auditor
Member of the Board since 2007
„Our event contents are a reflection of current topics from the past, present and future.“
Event at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, June 2012
Event at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, June 2012

Board of Trustees

Hessischer Kreis

The Board of Trustees is an honorary committee, which advises the Executive Board on the composition of the event program.

The term of office of the members of the Board of Trustees is usually three years, whereby an appointment may be renewed.

Christiane Benner
First Chairwoman, IG Metall Executive Board
Dorothea von Boxberg
CEO, Brussels Airlines
Dr. h.c. Udo Corts
Member of the Board, Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG DVAG
H.R.H. Heinrich Donatus Landgraf von Hessen
Executive Member of the Board, Hessische Hausstiftung
Tanja Gönner
Managing Director, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e. V. (BDI)
Peter Hähner
Regional Executive, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Benjamin Hermanns
Managing Director, fintus GmbH
Prof. Dr. Jochen Maas
Former Managing Director Research & Development,
Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH
Karl von Rohr
Former Deputy Chairman of the Board, Deutsche Bank AG
Dr. Norbert Rollinger
Chairman of the Board, R+V Versicherung AG
Dr. Theodor Weimer
CEO, Deutsche Börse AG
Prof. Dr. Mirjam Wenzel
Director, Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt
Gerhard Wiesheu
Spokesman of the Executive Board, B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG and President, Frankfurt Main Finance
Eva Wunsch-Weber
Chairwoman of the Board, Frankfurter Volksbank Rhein/Main eG
Martin Zielke
Chairman of the Board, Commerzbank AG
How to reach us


Hessischer Kreis